Moscatel de Setubal – Top of the Muscat wines

30 December 2022. The most popular fortified wine most people would have at the tip of their lips or might be sipping is port. Besides some famous table wines, Portugal can boast a few more world class wines – Sherry, Madeira and Moscatel.
The Romans are believed to have introduced the Moscatel or Moscat of Alexandria variety from the east of the Mediterranean. Today, Moscatel comes from two regions of Portugal – Duoro and Setubal.
Although the Duoro valley is known and famous for Port wine, they also produce in large quantities Moscatel du Duoro – the Golego grape variety. But the variety grown to the south of Lisbon in Setubal is the one winning the awards.
When the Muscats du Monde (Muscats of the World) awards were given in 2022, it was no surprise that the winner was one of the Setubal wines; with 5 also being shortlisted in the Top 10. The results (
You can buy Portuguese wine online – Alambre Moscatel de Setúbal 75cl – AG Caravela